The Company is formed on 01/02/2005 as Acme Electronics Inc. Later on 05/07/2011 it is converted to Acme Electronics Ltd. incorporating some professional in the fields of IT, Electronics and Power.
The company is situated on about 3000 sft. of floor area in the building of House # 99, 11/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh. Within this 3000 sft. about 2000 Sft. is for management function and balance 1000 sft. is used for Production with warehouse. An additional factory shed of about 07 Bigha (2.5 Acres) is also used for heavy works at Taltoli, Telihati, Sreepur, Gazipur about 65 KM away from Dhaka.
The company has more than 100 dealers/ vendors all over the country. Moreover it has very good reputation in the field of government/semi-government and corporate offices due to its quality products and prompt after sales service facility.
Following persons are working 24/7/365 basis to serve the customer all over the country.